Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tagged (again) QUIRKS!

I know I'm not the only Heather that Katherine knows, but since I'm pretty self absorbed, I'll assume she meant me. She "Quirk" tagged me. It seems pretty simple, you list your top 5 quirks, so here we go:

1) STORIES: I can be very impatient with people's stories. The more details, the harder it is for me to keep focus. I generally love the short-short version, but it's a quirk I'm working on for the sake of other people's self worth. I'll listen...go ahead and tell me your story. I promise, I AM interested.
2) MATHEMATICAL OCD: Nearly every night I do some sort of mathmatic analysis on my cell phone calculator while I'm laying in bed. I don't know what it is, but it helps my mind unwind when I can crunch some random numbers. (I'm seriously a geek). It's usually a review of our household budget.
3) NOSE BLOWING: If there is anything that makes me cringe, it's the sound of someone else blowing their nose, especially around food or dining areas.
4) POTTY TALK: Not potty mouth, potty talk (though potty mouth bugs me too.) I can't have conversations with my friends when one or both of us are in a bathroom stall. I need some "pee"ce and quiet please.
5) SOCIAL INEPTITUDE: I'm often puzzled by behavior that makes me think, "If my mother saw me act that way." I have very little patience than when I see adults acting like children or simply lacking awareness of anything outside their own bubble. Driving in traffic, shopping in Costco, etc. Seriously, your own agenda is not more important than everyone else's.

And I TAG...Michelle, April, Lindsy, Kristin, Carly

1 comment:

Ivy said...

you suck, i'm never telling you another story again!

I love you though...promise :)