Thursday, September 18, 2008


I find my self often faced with scenes that I can only respond to with, "Seriously!." I'm at a loss for how people act sometimes. (Being that I'm so perfect and all) And yes April, I too think of the kid from Stand By Me (Vern)when "Seriously" pops in my head.

I saw a little situation today which litterally mirrored this video:

While at work today on the concourse of the SLC airport I witness a women standing at the threshold of the smoking aread, sucking on her cancer stick, talking on her cell phone, and yelling for her two year old todler who was running away down the concourse. I wanted to help this woman reassess her priorities. The suggestion in my head was, "I know the cancer sticks cost like $1 a peice, but stamp it out, tell your friend on the phone that you'll call them back, and go get your kid. You are actually allowed to leave the smoking area."



April said...

Way to tug at the heart strings with the pouty kids!

And Vern says "Sincerely." But any "S" word said with a lisp ultimately reminds me of the short man from the Princess Bride.

Unknown said...

For the love...that father had none! Sadness.