Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Near brush with greatness

So, do you ever have those moments when you think of doing something, you talk yourself out of it, and then you realize later that had you gone with your first instinct, the outcome would have been big (good or bad)? We'll last week, my boss and I took a business trip to San Diego. As I booked her flight home to match mine which had been booked for a week, I thought to myself...I should change my seat and give her the exit row. Not wanting to risk loosing both our our seats while switching them around, I figured, eh...I'll just trade her when we board that day if she wants it.
Well, being the gracious person she is, she declined my offer to trade seats and she took her seat one row behind me. Suddenly...on walks Governor John Huntsman, Jr. and he proceeds to sit right next to my boss. Dang...coulda been me! I would have loved to ask him about this freaking 4 day work week he's put in place.


Ivy said...

So did he talk to your boss? What did they talk about? Did she introduce you to her new best friend? Did you get a picture, an autograph....anything??

Nicole Bolinger said...

If I would have sat next to him I wouldn't have known the difference. I would have assumed he was just another jerk businessman that is gonna roll is eyes at my children. not that I'm bitter or anything! :)

April said...

Maybe you had a near brush with a bad outcome... he might have offered you a stellar job in hearing shot of your boss!