Monday, October 25, 2010

Heavenly Father uses bubble wrap

This post started out on Facebook, but was simply too long. I had what I would call my most precarious drive home, ever, this afternoon and I seriously think the Heavens have put a protective bubble around the baby and I today.

20 minutes from home: I hear squealing tires and see a car in the lane next to me swerving toward me. It comes literally within a couple of inches of side-swipping me, corrects, over-corrects, and comes even closer, over-corrects again and smashes into the curb opposite from where I am and hits 3 other cars. I miss the entire fray by inches.

15 minutes from home: A pickup truck behind me speeds up, and changes lanes a second before rear-ending me and starts jockeying with another bonehead, obviously locked in a road rage standoff, both of them jumping in and out of my lane, nearly clipping me over and over. Again, I continue without incident, but just barely.

10 minutes from home: I'm stopped in first position at a stop light. I hear a siren and look everywhere to find where it's coming from. Looking left, right, forward, backward--nothing. Light turns green so I cautiously proceed through the intersection with my blinker on to merge to the right and suddenly the cop jumps out of oncoming traffic directly in my lane. Luckily I was able to merge to the right and get out of the way, but my heart was already pacing from the first 2 episodes and this didn't help.

5 minutes from home: I'm stopped at the drive-through window waiting for some tater-tots. (Not because I like them, I just needed change for a $50- obviously.) Suddenly a 15 foot ladder propped up on the awning ahead of me blows down and comes within about 6 inches from crashing directly on the hood of my car.

Have you ever seen that movie, Final Destination? I seriously was wondering if I would make it the last 2 miles home without choking to death on a tater tot. I found myself chanting my thanks for some seriously divine protection the rest of the way home.


proudmama said...

Oh, my. I start and end each day asking for blessings, safety and protection on my loved ones both near and far. Maybe my prayers are heard, even if just a little. I'm so glad you and itty bitty are okay. Love you.

Nicole Bolinger said...

LOL! Glad you are home safe and sound! I loved the part about the tater tots though...change for a 50...miss you! ;)

April said...

Wow! And I blubbered on and on about my day. I didn't even stop to say thank you for being alive and safe. I wish I would have known, now I feel like a jerk! That was a rough day, and a definite witness that he IS protecting all of you. I love you. Make your car a no-phone zone just to be sure to cross anymore incidents off your list!

Meredith said...

Wow! I'd say you have gardian angels watching over you and little baby boy. Speaking of that, I have a gift for you. I need to bring it to you. How do I get to your house?