Sunday, December 6, 2009

And then there was light

If there has to be winter in Utah, at least we have the lights at Temple Square. I always remembered them much more brilliant when I was small.

They're still fun to see and a great tradition that we were happy to share with Gina, April, James, and the little people this year.

Kellan looks like he's caroling...

We went the day after Thanksgiving and OH the crowds! April, you better know I love you. I braved those crowds just for you...

Okay, you and the view... (My apologies to Shannon, my professional photographer friend who hates photos taken on cell phones. This was the best I could do.)

I didn't get any pictures at the square with little Max, but here he is at dinner. What a scrumptious little smile.

It was a beautiful night and I was happy to share it with my wonderful husband who braved the crowds and walking in the cold...with a bad back. Love you babe.

forever and ever.

Align Center


SherBear said...

Very nice! We're going to the MoTab Christmas Concert on Friday, so we'll see the lights then!

April said...

I do know that you love me :) And if I was in town longer, I would NOT have gone on the first night, I'm not a crowd fan either!

Kellan is always a blur in pictures. He just can't hold still!

proudmama said...

Still beautiful, cell phone or not... thank you for carrying the tradition forward, maybe next year we could all go and do the hot chocolate thing after...