2. Who eats more? Joshua overall (thankfully since my appetite is not small)
3. Who said I love you first? Joshua. Heather had a little trouble with the "L" word for a while.
4.Who is taller? Joshua is 6-1 and Heather is 5-10. Our poor kids have no chance at being petite.
5. Who is smarter? Joshua is always using those $12 words he gets from all the book learnin' and can remember EVERYTHING! Heather's no dummy, but enjoys the challenge of Joshua's mind.
6. Who is more sensitive? I probably am, though Joshua has a huge heart underneath the tough exterior.
7. Who does the laundry? Mostly me but Joshua will always help when I ask.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I generally sleep on the entire bed, but Joshua manages to push me to the right side at some point in the night.
9. Who pays the bills? Heather
10. Who cooks more? Heather does...loves exsperimentin' and Joshua generally doesn't mind.
11. What meals do you cook together? Any one I ask him to and when he's in charge of burritos, I help a little.
12. Who is more stubborn? Joshua says he is...whew!
13. Who is first to admit when they are wrong? Joshua says he is, in fact he says, "when have you ever admited you were wrong?" Hey now, I'm sure I have...once or twice...sometime
14. Who has more siblings? Heather 6--Joshua 3
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Let's put it this way, he wears the pants if they aren't in the laundry. See question #7.
16. What do you like to do together? Bike riding, reading, movies, camping, traveling.
17. Who eats more sweets? We're pretty equal here, unless it's chocolate chip cookies or ice cream and then he totally wins.
18. Guilty pleasures? Chocolate chip cookies, Ice cream, video games (Joshua), pedicures (Heather)
19. How did you meet? Shopping. You know like at Ikea (dot com), or Target (dot com)
20. Who asked who out first? He did, thinking he was all kinds of "da man". Who got him to agree to dinner with Heather and her roommates the very next night? That's right...uh huh!
21. Who kissed who first? He kissed me. Swept me right off my feet.
22. Who proposed? He did...once again, Heather was having a little trouble with the "M" word too.
23. What is your/his best feature? He says my eyes, smile and hair. I think his eyes, his overall physique, his smile.
24. What is your/his best quality? Tough to pick one. Heather's always in awe that found someone who has the high moral standards and positive attitude that he does. Someone who makes Heather want to be her best self for him. Joshua says Heather is very ambitious and driven.
Now I tag... Kristin Anderson, Lisa Pulsipher and Ivy.