Thursday, October 29, 2009

Big, Bigger, Biggest

Having a tiny car sucks big

Having a tiny car with a tail light that doesn't work
and wont pass the safety inspection, sucks bigger

Having to crawl into the trunk of a tiny car from the back seat (because the trunk doesn't open) so you can fix the tail light sucks biggest

My husband is awesome!


April said...

Now will he load groceries like that too? Good job being a handyman Joshua, you do rock.

proudmama said...

so, did it finally pass inspection? About time to trade up? Put it and you out of your misery? But you are right about one thing, he is awesome, but then so are you! Love you guys.

Ivy said...

You can't see this, but I'm 'raisin the roof' chanting your awesome hubby's name and brooklyn is shakin her booty joining in the fun! Go awesome oo-ah! If my tail light ever goes out, I know who to call now!