Saturday, May 30, 2009

Heather's run-in with the law

Technically it was a run-into the in...with my car. Yesterday, I decided to make a quick Costco run before painting the bathroom. Anything to put off painting, which I hate. I embarked on my short (so I thought) journey and missed the turn I would usually take to avoid major road construction in West Valley City. Instead, I turned off the highway, right into the DOT mess.

Now I ask you, when a 6 lane road has been reduced to 3 and the "lanes" are lined with construction cones, and you pass a sign that says, "Caution, severe drop off" and there are people with hard hats walking all around and trucks entering and exiting the construction sight and you NEVER drive on this road, isn't it possible that you, too, might have missed a tiny thing called a red-light?

Well, I did and continued proceeding through the intersection at the same time a West Valley City police officer was entering the intersection on his opposite green light. I mostly bumped his tire/hubcap but did leave a small dent in the lower passenger door frame and door. My front fender is a little scratched but no one was hurt, unless you count both of our egos.
Of course, not one additional office came to file the report...but 4 or 5 additional police cars quickly arrived at the scene. You would have thought the radio call-in was "OFFICER DOWN!" There I sat, in the middle of WVC (aka...the 'hood'), surrounded by police. Passers-by probably thought it was a meth bust going down. It was humiliating!
I'm sure his ego took some bruising too, as I heard the jeers coming from his fellow black-and-whites. "Hit in the line of duty, huh?" "Way to fall on that bullet, Dennis!" Poor guy.
So I called Joshua, and he laughed, sympathetically of course. My insurance agent laughed. The other police officers laughed. Since it was yesterday, I'm laughing a little bit more. Lesson learned, next time just stay home and paint the bathroom.


Nicole Bolinger said...

Oh no!!! I love it, " Officer down" haha!! Glad it was a good laugh!

April said...


Maybe quit going to Costco? I haven't heard a good story yet from your trips there.

lisag said...

Mike wants to know if you got a ticket. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Sorry it's at your expense! Love you girl!!

Supershepherds said...

I did get a ticket, but I wont know what the penalty is until next week once it's filed with the court. I agree, Costco may be out from now on.

I'm laughing about it now. Not so much when it happened, but it is pretty funny.

proudmama said...

I'm still chuckling over your escapades last week. Haven't seen a report turn up yet on the officer :-)hint of a warning, just a speeding ticket cost me $82. If you want to go to traffic school, maybe I'll go with you....

::Kayla:: said...

HAHA Thats too funny!

Ivy said...

I'm still chuckling over this one too, sorry sis. Your poor little car has been through the ringer and keeps on tickin! Luck must be on your side somewhere :)

Andersonland said...

That is the best story I have heard in months! I am still laughing. And it sounds like your anniversary was fun! So seriously can you come to St George? It will be 4th of July weekend. We have lots of room for you to come stay with us!